3 Reasons To Vote In The Wimbledon And Putney Commons Election

3 Reasons To Vote In The Wimbledon And Putney Commons Election

Posted by Lady Wimbledon | 22 January 2018 | Community Spirit, Magazine, News

On 28th February this year, a vote will be held to elect the next five Conservators (Trustees) who are responsible for how the local community is run and managed. If you are a resident of Wimbledon and Putney Commons, it is essential that your voice is heard.

This is an important opportunity to have your say in who is elected to oversee the management of your Commons for the next three years. Here are just three of the reasons why you should be casting your vote:

1. Your Commons is your choice – have your say to ensure the importance of the Commons and its contribution to the quality of the local environment and to the quality of life and leisure in the area are retained.

2. A piece of countryside in the city – ensure that those local people you elect for the stewardship of the Commons protect and preserve it now and for future generations to enjoy.

3. Keep the Commons independent – stewards of the Commons ensure those you appoint keep the governance structure of the charity independent.

Voting closes at 5pm on the 28th February 2018.


How To Vote

Look out for your ballot papers when they arrive in the post early in February 2018.

Please take the time to read the Candidates’ Statements and use the next election to elect a body of local residents who you feel will best protect the Commons and govern it effectively.

You can vote by returning your completed ballot paper in the prepaid envelope provided, or you can vote online; details are on the ballot paper.

Electoral Reform Services (ERS) conduct the election process independently of the Conservators. ERS will post out the ballot papers on the 1st February 2018.


Opportunity To Meet The Candidates

As part of the election process there will be two opportunities for electors to meet the Candidates. The first are hustings being organised by The Putney Society and will be held on Tuesday 30th January 2018, at the Community Church, Werter Road, Putney SW15 2LL, starting at 8.00pm.

The second Meet the Candidates is being organised by The Wimbledon Society and will be held on Wednesday 7th February 2018, in the Lower Hall, Sacred Heart Church, Edge Hill, SW19 4LU, starting at 7.00pm.


If you would like to know more about any of the above, please contact the Chief Executive at The Ranger’s Office.

E-mail: rangersoffice@wpcc.org.uk

Telephone: 020 8788 7655

Address: The Ranger’ Office, Windmill Road, Wimbledon Common, London SW19 5NR

Website: www.wpcc.org.uk

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