Eyes of Lady Wimbledon

Eyes of Lady Wimbledon

6 February 2020
You Shall Go To The Wimbledon Love Ball!

You shall go to The Wimbledon Love Ball! You are cordially invited to Lady Wimbledon’s Valentine's event at Hotel du Vin on 12th February, 2020.

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6 February 2020
Lady W’s Wimbledon Times Spotlight: 6/2/20

“Finally... the longest month of the year is behind us! Hello February, the month of love. Valentine’s Day is thought to have originated in 946AD from a Roman festival in...

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4 February 2020
The Wimbledon Love Ball Charity Raffle

Read more about The Wimbledon Love Ball chosen charities and the raffle to be hosted at the event...

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24 January 2020
Lady W’s Wimbledon Times Spotlight: 24/1/20

“To be perfectly frank, this is not really the season of jolly, it is the time when we like to hibernate and lick the wounds of our depleted bank balance....

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18 January 2020
Protected: Lady W Loves February 2021

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:

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16 January 2020
Interview With Lisa Lamberti, Founder of The Pilates Clinic

Lady Wimbledon Editor interviews Lisa Lamberti, the founder of The Pilates Clinic, Wimbledon. Pilates has become one of the most popular forms of exercise. From the famously super-fit Hollywood stars...

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15 January 2020
Don’t Medicalise… Socialise

Dr Mohan Sekeram shares the importance of health and wellbeing benefiting social prescribing, now available in all GP practices across Merton.

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14 January 2020
Sustainable Merton Launch Refill Merton

Introducing Refill Merton - part of the national award-winning Refill scheme, and the latest addition to Sustainable Merton's #PlasticFreeMerton campaign.

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13 January 2020
Lebanese Restaurant Kababji Wimbledon

After their first year settling into the Wimbledon neighbourhood, Kababji are standing loud and proud. It’s hard to miss their new colourful exterior, which brings the heat and vibrance of...

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8 January 2020
Best Pilates Studios In Wimbledon

If you’ve always fancied trying Pilates but have never known where to start, take a look at the Lady Wimbledon guide to the best Pilates studios in Wimbledon... MOVE2STRENGTH Move2Strength...

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