Our faith in humanity has been restored after our neighbours, The Alexandra Pub in Wimbledon Hill road are offering a free turkey dinner and a beer to anyone alone on December 25th.

The tweet that sparked national and international interest.
The family run Young’s pub is booked for Christmas Day, however they are opening their second kitchen and another of its four bars to house the guests.
Owner Richard Simpson, said: “It is for the people you see on a daily basis who struggle. Last year, we served 100 meals, which is about the average.”
A recent statement on their official Facebook page read:
“We aren’t doing what we are doing as a “publicity stunt”. We didn’t obviously expect the news to travel around the world, we’ve done a very similar thing for years at the Alex and nobody has noticed. We thought we’d once again be looking after maybe a couple of dozen folks who live locally but found themselves on their own. We don’t need the publicity, as anyone who lives near here will tell you the Alex is the busiest pub in South West London by miles.
Our gesture isn’t aimed at homeless people, old people, young people or any other pigeon holed group. It’s aimed at ALL people, anybody who is lonely on Christmas day. My hope is that going forward rather than spending time telling us that some the gesture is aimed at “don’t have Twitter accounts”, people will use their efforts to inform those very people what’s going on. If some of those people “live too far away” then maybe invite them round to YOUR house, or failing that bob round theirs and have a cup of tea. That’s kind of the whole point really
It goes without saying that if 10,000 people turn up we won’t be able to give them all a turkey roast, our Sports bar isn’t big enough. We are though going to get loads of food in and do our best, we won’t fail through lack of effort. If we do run out we’ll just have to try and give people something else, we’ll do whatever we can.”
Click here to read the full statement.