Skin Care Guide For A Heatwave

Skin Care Guide For A Heatwave

Posted by Lady Wimbledon | 28 June 2018 | Health & Fitness, Magazine

I love my wife. But, I wish she worshipped me as much as she worships the sun. Mrs P has great dark bronze skin, cute freckles, shiny shoulders and looks amazing on beach holidays but I do worry about her burning in the sun. We all know what sun damage is and how dangerous over exposure to UVB light can be. Have a read of my previous blog on sun cream and its application.

What if it’s too late? You’ve had an impromptu extended alfresco lunch and there was no time to find a pharmacy. Any SPF in make up won’t last all day and won’t provide much protection for too long after you’ve applied it, no matter what the packaging says. Your skin isn’t turning a gorgeous sun kissed golden brown but more a solar slam dunk, shocking pink that’s become parched, itchy and starting to peel. This crustacean wasn’t on the menu.

Your 6 step action plan.

1. As soon as your skin starts turning pink, the burning process has already started, and it’s time to get out of the sun and cover up.

2. Cool the skin down. Ideally cold wet flannels. Just like touching a scalding hot pan, cooling the skin down will reduce the damage. Do this for at least 10 minutes.

3. Apply healing Aloe Vera. I find the basic gel varieties with a high Aloe Vera content are pretty good with good absorption into the skin. This will help cool, repair and moisturise the skin.

4. Anti inflammatory medication may help you feel comfortable and reduce swelling. Speak to your pharmacist about which one is right for you.

5. Hydrate from the inside out. Drink something that is rich in anti-oxidants that will battle the harmful free radicals that UVB radiation produces. Fruit juices and even your favourite cup of matcha tea will help.

6. If your skin blisters, leave it alone. It is part of the natural healing process. Don’t be tempted to burst or pop the blister as this may lead to it becoming infected.

Summer will be over before you know it and missing out because your skin is sunburnt is no fun. Keep a good sun cream handy, reapply regularly and wear a hat.

On the subject of hats, someone we know and love can give better advice on hats than me…


Written by health and beauty specialist, Bhavash Padhiar

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