5 Tips To Keep Your Garden Blooming During Winter

5 Tips To Keep Your Garden Blooming During Winter

Posted by Eyes of Lady Wimbledon | 8 November 2023 | Home & Garden

As the last of autumn’s leaves fall and the landscape dons its wintry whites, you might think your gardening efforts should go into hibernation. But wait – your green thumb needn’t rest just yet. With the right approach, you can keep your garden vibrant, even through the chilliest months. Here are five steadfast tips to help your garden not only survive but thrive during winter.

Choose the Right Plants

The heart of a resilient winter garden is the selection of plants that scoff at the frost. Some plants are the botanical equivalent of winter Olympians; they excel in the cold. Evergreens like Holly and Conifers stand proud in the winter but don’t overlook the lesser-known heroes like Winter Heather or Viburnum. These plants aren’t just survivors; they’ll provide a lush backdrop of green, accompanied sometimes by bright berries or bold flowers.

When you’re selecting these champions, the trip to the local nursery might also include a shop at a builder’s merchant like macblair.com. That’s where you’ll find mulch, a crucial player in protecting your plant’s roots from the cold. And while you’re there, don’t forget to grab some horticultural fleece and cloches; they’re like winter coats and snug hats for your more delicate plants.

Maintain and Mulch

Speaking of mulch, let’s not underestimate its importance. A generous layer around the base of your plants acts like a snug blanket, keeping the soil temperature regulated and moisture locked in. But it’s not just about dumping a bag of mulch and calling it a day. The real trick is in the application – too much and you could suffocate the plant; too little, and it’s like wearing a t-shirt in a snowstorm.

While we’re discussing maintenance, ensure that you remove any dead plants or debris because they can harbour diseases and pests over the winter.

Your shopping list might include organic compost or well-rotted manure, both excellent for mulching. And why not add a sturdy rake and a pair of secateurs to that list? They’re indispensable allies in your winter garden prep.

Keep on Feeding

Your plants’ nutrient needs don’t vanish with the summer sun. Slow-release fertilisers are your go-to during winter, providing a steady supply of energy to your hardy plants. Think of it as a consistent, slow-burning fuel for growth and maintenance. The aim here is not to spur rapid growth but to sustain your plants through the tough times.

Protection Is Key

Winter’s wrath is not to be underestimated. High winds, frost, and snow can turn your once-lively garden into a plant graveyard. Here’s where you’ll need to channel your inner guardian. Stake young trees and tall plants to guard against the wind. If snow is forecast, preemptively shake or brush off the snow from branches to prevent damage.

Your shopping list might also need to include stakes, ties, and possibly even some sandbags to weigh down protective coverings against winter storms. Investing in protective materials like burlap or tree guards can make all the difference for younger or more delicate trees and shrubs.

Water Wisely

It might seem counterintuitive to water your plants during the wettest season, but winter droughts are a real thing, especially during periods of high wind and occasional mild spells. Your plants need to drink even in the cold. However, water wisely; early in the day is best, so the plants have time to absorb it before the temperature drops at night.

Keeping a garden flourishing in winter is a testament to your gardening mettle. It’s about choosing the right plants, ensuring the soil is well-maintained and mulched, feeding the garden appropriately, protecting it from the harsh weather, and keeping up with watering when needed.

Remember, as you don your scarf and gloves, take a moment to appreciate the stark beauty of your winter garden.



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