How was the January detox, fitness and clean living resolution? Is the David Lloyd gym card, NutriBullet and box of Harrods herbal teas collecting dust?
Or are you still on it…getting high on clean lungs, natural vitamins and burning carbs like a champion Greek Olympian? Good on you!
I decided long ago not to bother with new year resolutions. Forget all about ‘Dry January’ and put Domino’s back on speed dial 3. Well…not quite.
However, is it possible to overdo the healthy lifestyle? Certainly some recent news reports would have you think so. Doctors have warned dangers of new years detox diets can be fatal after a woman was admitted to hospital after consuming too much herbal tea and drinking too much water.
This previously healthy 47-year-old Buckinghamshire lady regularly took a variety of herbal remedies for minor ailments and over the Christmas period she became confused and started grinding her teeth for about an hour before collapsing and suffering a seizure.

Everything in moderation
She was taken to hospital where she was diagnosed with Hyponatremia, which is a very low level of sodium in the blood which will cause seizures and confusion. The doctors were bewildered by the cause until she told them she had overdone the herbal supplements she was taking and been drinking a lot more water than normal.
The likely culprit is the valerian root she was having, and has been linked to two known cases of severe life threatening Hyponatremia. Valerian is readily available at most pharmacies and health food shops. There are differences in quality of the product, but that’s about it. This applies to all herbal supplements. There is essentially nothing wrong with taking supplements but knowledge is key here. Good old pub banter and Chinese whispers isn’t going to help you much. Speak to a reputable professional about what is right for you.
The best detox doesn’t need to be more complicated than straightforward common sense. Alcohol – bad, sugar – bad, smoking – bad, exercise – good, green vegetables – good, water – good. You get the picture, just don’t over do it. Now go and dust off the gym card and Nutri-bullet and make yourself a cup of herbal tea. But not too much of course!
Our Health Blogger, Bhavash Padhiar is the founder of Amara Spa, a day spa and leading skincare centre in Fulham, London.
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