Best Food Box Deliveries In Wimbledon

Best Food Box Deliveries In Wimbledon

Posted by Paloma Lacy | 20 April 2020 | Food & Drink

Food & Drink Editor Paloma Lacy lists the best food box deliveries in Wimbledon…

We’ve heard it over and over again during the past few months, that these are unprecedented times and the way to get through self-isolation and lockdown is to find a new normal. So many have called for us all to take a fresh look at how we do things in the new confine of our homes.

An over reliance on supermarkets has sent even the most sensible shoppers into a spin. Too used to 24hr shopping, we’ve laughed in the face of seasonality but where has it got us? Queuing for hours outside supermarkets and when we finally get inside and find they haven’t quite got what we’re looking for, panic sets in. The illusion of choice has actually made people less resourceful. So what if you can’t get fresh raspberries? Choose another fruit or purchase something else and eat that instead.

As consumers, we’ve had it too good for too long and it might well have taken a pandemic to teach us the real value of what we have and that it’s ok not to be able to get everything we want. Remember that by and large, our wants are just that, they’re not needs.

It’s time to think beyond the supermarkets. Not least because even online deliveries – once everyone’s weekly divine right are a rare find in the current climate. But fear not, there are so many suppliers of fruit, veg, meat, fish, dairy, baked goods and store cupboard ingredients happy to deliver directly to your door weekly, reminiscent of grocery delivery services of years gone by.

Many of them used to supply solely to London’s restaurants – before restaurants were ordered to close to in-house diners – and have changed their business models accordingly, opening their order books to mere mortals, like you and me. Top notch produce is guaranteed, no lugging heavy items back from the shops, and you can support local firms while you’re at it. What’s not to like?

We’ve put together a round-up of those just waiting to deliver to you and keep you out of the supermarket queues.


Closy Market

P&I Fruits Ltd

Green’s Produce



Oui Chef

Clapham Fresh

Coppin Brothers

Field & Flower


Written By: Paloma Lacy

Food lover, turned food writer, Paloma has spent the past 10 years in search of the Capital’s finest eateries, reviewing restaurants for a range of publications, including South London Press and London Weekly News. A South London girl at heart, she believes its boroughs boast some memorable dining experiences set to satisfy even the most discerning palate. London is alive with brunch, lunch and dinner choices to suit every pocket, from the humble neighbourhood spot, right through to the starrier end of the market.

Instagram: @Paloma.Lacy
Twitter: @PalomaMeansDove

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