As Merton’s leading environmental charity, Sustainable Merton is a big believer in the power of community action and individuals being a force for change. So to inspire you to think about how you can act now for the future of our planet, we’ve shared our top autumnal eco tips to live a more sustainable lifestyle this season (and beyond)…
Join the #PumpkinRescue
18,000 tonnes of edible pumpkin (the weight of 1,500 double decker buses!) ends up in the bin each year. The thought of such a huge amount of good food going to waste is truly terrifying! Be sure to scoop out all of the devilishly delicious flesh and treat yourself to a warming pumpkin soup (it freezes well, too). Try out a new recipe (this Perfect Pumpkin Soup recipe is delicious and nutritious), and throw in lots of tasty seasonal vegetables – and remember to pop any unavoidable leftovers in your food waste caddy.
Wellies at the ready for Walk to School Month
Whatever the weather, walking is a great way to get active and to look after your mind, body and the environment. Win win! Road traffic is one of the primary sources of air pollution in the borough, so let’s get on our feet and ditch the car so that we can all breathe cleaner air in Merton.
Think before you switch on…
There’s definitely an autumnal chill in the air – but before you flick the heating switch, think about the ways you can keep warm for less and save energy. Snuggle up under a blanket, put on your favourite cosy jumper, don those sheepskin slippers, draught-proof windows and doors, and close the curtains to keep the heat in. Households account for 29% of the UK’s energy consumption, but through simple, low-cost measures, we can protect our planet from the comfort of our very own homes.
Don’t be a Halloween ghoul
Rather than splashing out on (yet another) polyester costume, why not make your own, or check out your local charity shops for extra props. How about arranging a fancy-dress swap shop or bring-and-buy with friends and family, or at school, to make sure every fright-night outfit is recycled and gets plenty of use. With plastic pollution dominating headlines, think twice before buying single-use plastic Halloween decorations: most of it will end up in landfill, making its way into our waterways. Now that’s a real nightmare…
Sustainable Merton is the borough’s leading environmental charity. Visit to learn more about how we can all be part of the solution.