Spring is such a beautiful season, as the Earth renews itself, bursting to life with flora blooming, animals reproducing and longer brighter days looming ahead… Synonymous with Spring is Easter: celebrating new birth, new hope and new life. Part of this celebration is the joy of eating all those tasty Easter goodies & of course all that delicious Easter Chocolate! If your house is anything like mine, you end up with Easter treats & Eggs galore!
Easter Bunny Bark

1.Separate the two types of chocolate into two large separate bowls. Add 3g of cocoa butter into each bowl.
2.Put 2 inches of water in a saucepan and bring to a simmer.
3.Break the milk chocolate/Easter Eggs into smaller pieces and then place bowl over the saucepan of simmering water, ensuring the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water. Stir and allow it to gradually melt over a low heat. Be careful not to get any water in the chocolate.
4.Repeat the process with the white chocolate.
5.Line a large baking tray with baking paper. Pour out the melted milk chocolate and spread it around using a spatula/palette knife into a rough rectangular shape approx 3mm thick. Lift and gently tap tray on kitchen counter to encourage a smooth surface.
6. Carefully pour the white chocolate over the milk chocolate in a random pattern all over the surface
7. Gently blend the two, creating a marbled pattern using a tapered palette knife or any instrument with a narrow point like a cocktail stick, skewer or even a chopstick.
8. Lift and gently tap tray again to smooth out the chocolate.
9. Once you are satisfied with your marble effect, add your decorations evenly, starting with the largest first: the bunnies.
10. Continue with the mini eggs and then move on to the smaller candy and the sprinkles.
11. Refrigerate the tray for 5 minutes.
12. After 5 minutes, remove the tray with the semi-hard chocolate and quickly score lines into it to make snapping the bark easier and neater.
13. Return tray to the refrigerator and chill for an hour or more till fully hardened.
14. Snap the bark into smaller pieces along the pre-scored lines. Enjoy immediately or pop into treat bags to gift others.

Written By: Sadie Yeehan Man | Guest Blogger
Instagram: @sadiekitchensweettreats
Facebook: @Sweettreats628