I know what you’re thinking. How can high intensity training and a relaxing yoga session be put together in one class? Well after experiencing the class first hand, I know it can be done.
HIIT Yoga‘s Sasha Green and Kate O’Reilly, two fitness fanatics, came together last night at Fresh Ground London in Clapham to combine high intensity interval training and yoga into one workout.

Left to right: Kate, Kathleen, Sasha
This all-in-one workout has more benefits than doing each type of workout separately. To start off, Kate introduced us to some basic yoga positions to awaken our bodies and focus our minds – mountain pose, cat cow, and downward facing dog. Here we focused on our breath and the stretch we know we all need, but don’t do. Then it was time to really break a sweat, Sasha came in full force with star jumps, jumping squats, and some high knees, all at a fast pace I might add, one right after the other, getting our hearts pumping.
At this point all I could think was, when is the next yoga series. Soon enough it was time to calm, re-balance, and recharge our bodies with the second yoga sequence. This is when I realised how truly beneficial and unique this workout can be. The switching from intense cardio to calming yoga allows you to maximise your efforts in each area, to really think about each exercise and do it to your greatest potential, which will lead to the best results. In total there were three yoga sections and two HIIT sections and by the end I felt like I had really worked my body, burned about 1000 calories, but also centered my body and energised my mind.
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