Our self esteem, our success and our happiness are all intrinsically affected by the small decisions we make everyday; our daily habits and routines. Such as to exercise or not to exercise: we all know that exercising makes us feel physically good, gets the happy endorphins zooming around and makes us feel proud that we’ve taken good care ourselves. When we make decisions that are lined up with our values and our goals we feel good, this is called being in integrity. When we make decisions that go against our values and goals we don’t feel good, this is called being out of integrity.
Making decisions and taking actions daily that are in line with our own, individual integrity builds our self esteem and has knock on positive effects in every area of our lives.

So how do we make sure we are living in alignment with our integrity?
You will have some good daily or weekly habits, and you have some bad daily or weekly habits. For example I am in the habit of having a smoothie and lemon & ginger water everyday for breakfast, it’s a healthy habit and I don’t even think about it. However I am not yet in the habit of not checking my social media until I am ready to start to work (i.e. not when I first wake up). So I need to upgrade my lifestyle choices to be in integrity and set up a new habit of waiting to check social media until I am at my desk.
This is all well and good and I’ll probably do a great job for the first few days or week of committing to this new habit, however more often than not we fall back into old habits because they are easier and we simply forget the new habit. How do we ensure we stick to our new habits, bringing us into integrity and leading to us feeling great?
I have created a Lifestyle Upgrade Tracker for you to use at home:

You simply print the tracker, fill in the new, positive habits you’d like to create and track your progress each day. Stick it up somewhere you’ll see it everyday as a reminder. The best part is, if you get through the week with 100% success rate – you get to reward yourself!
Written by Gemma Ford
About The Author
Gemma Ford
Gemma is a qualified yoga teacher and intuitive life coach. After receiving her training in India and Los Angeles she settled in South West London where she teaches yoga via her YouTube channel as well as coaching locally and internationally. Gemma loves to teach and support her clients to reach their highest potential in health, wealth and happiness.